About the almanac

The scholarly almanac “Traditsionnaya kul’tura” (Traditional Culture) is a Russian serial bulletin dedicated to studies of folk culture in all its manifestations, including prose, oral poetry, music, decorative handicrafts, ritual practices (including their present-day forms), as well as sociocultural topics concerning folk life. Authors and readers of the bulletin include experts in the fields of Folklore Studies, Ethnology, Ethnolinguistics, Ethnomusicology, Ethnochoreography, Art History and Cultural Studies. The traditional culture of the peoples of Russia is the primary focus, but cultural traditions that appear among peoples of other countries and continents are also explored.  The task of the bulletin is to further the philosophical and theoretical understanding of traditional folk culture as explained by experts in various fields of the human sciences. In addition to research that considers the manifold manifestations of folk art, the bulletin also publishes discussions of topical issues in the study of traditional culture. It covers research activities of scholarly centers in Russia and foreign countries, describes important scholarly events and research projects, and informs readers of unique archival resources. The publication is included in the Index of Peer-Reviewed Journals of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation.

URL: http://vak.ed.gov.ru/