About a Khorovod from Stanitsa Lukovskaya in Records from the Early and Late Twentieth Century

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Key words
Stanitsa Lukovskaya, lyuleika, Listopadov, khorovod, Moscow Conservatory expeditions
Elena V. Biteryakova
About the Author
E-mail: elena-biteryakova@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 629-67-11
13–6, Bolshaya Nikitskaya str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
PhD in Аrts, Senior Researcher, Kliment Kvitka Research Center for Folk Music, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Date of publication

The article is devoted to a rare example of a Cossack “lyuleika” khorovod or round dance. It was recorded in Stanitsa Lukovskaya (Volgograd Region) twice: early in the twentieth century by A. Listopadov and S. Arefin, and in the late 1990s by expeditions of the Moscow Conservatory. Based on publications, archival documents and recent records of expeditions to the region and to nearby territories, the author reveals the uniqueness of the spring round dance “Kak po ulitse da vdol ulitsy” (Down the street and along the street), whose lyrics are only slightly similar to those found in the Kursk and Voronezh Regions. A comparison of the field records of the lyrics recorded by Arefin and of the musical notation by Listopadov (in 1903, published in 1953) with audio records of 1997 and 1999 from the sound archive of the Kliment Kvitka Research Center for Folk Music at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory demonstrates that the participants of the 1902–1903 expedition did high quality work. They ably investigated the local singing tradition and effectively presented it in the well-known multivolume collection, “Songs of the Don Cossacks.” 


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For citation

Biteryakova E. V. About a Khorovod from Stanitsa Lukovskaya in Records from the Early and Late Twentieth Century. Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 1. Pp. 36–51. In Russian.