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Key words
Udmurts, beekeeping, protectors of bees, symbolism of the bee in the ritual, images of the bee in folklore, bee songs, oral prose, mythological plots, apocryphal plots
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3412) 68-78-44 4, Lomonosova str., Izhevsk, 426004, Russian Federation Full Professor (Philology), leading researcher, Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Uralic Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

 The article is supported by the Program of fundamental research of the Uralic division, RAS during 2015–2017 on the theme “Mythology of the Udmurts in the historical and cultural heritage” No. 15–13–6–8 and by the Russian Fund for Humanities 


The paper aims to analyze and summarize Udmurt folk beliefs about the bee, based on linguistic data, symbolic imagery and ritual factography. Wild-hive beekeeping has been one of the most important occupations of the Udmurts since ancient times. Linguistic paleontology has demonstrated that there is a correspondence between the words “bee” and “honey” in the Finno-Ugric proto-language and the Indo-European languages. These Finno-Ugric lexe- mes were borrowed from the Indo-European languages after the Indo-European proto-language had disintegrated. Like other types of anthropogenic activities, beekeeping had a system of ritual practices that were included in the context of the annual cycle and correlated with calendar rites. The Udmurts have believed that bees belonged to three kinds, namely, heavenly, earthly and terrene. Heavenly bees were under the control of their queen and wielded immense power. Protectors of the bees were considered to be the triad of supreme gods, namely the God of the Heavens, or the Supreme God (Inmar), the Creator (Kyldysin), and the god of the atmosphere (Kuaz′), but only the last one was called “sending-guiding bees” / “ruling bees”. The host spirit of wildlife (Ludmurt) was also believed to be a bee-keeper (mush voz′mas′). The Udmurts asked the clan deity (Vorshud) and souls of ancestors to bring them good luck in beekeeping. According to genres of oral prose, a forest woman (Obyda) could be also regarded as a protector of bees. In the Udmurt culture bees symbolically correlate with people and the human family as evidenced by folk beliefs preserved in riddles and wedding songs. The predominance of female symbolism is found in the metaphorization of the queen honey bee. A young queen is usually represented as a baby, bride or young married woman. Symbolic images of bees are presented not only in calendar and family ritual songs but also in bee songs —  melodies for beekeeping (“mush utyon gur”) and melodies for calling in / charming bees (“mush otyon gur / mush gur”). A distinctive feature of the bee songs is onomatopoeia and sound effects. In the Udmurt songs bees are called “bee birdies”, “sinless souls”, “golden bodies” (“zarni mugoryos”), “children brought up not by us” (vordymte nunyos). There are direct parallels between melodies for calling in / charming bees and pagan prayers (“kuris′kon”). The special status of the bee and its superiority over other insects are explained by etiological legends which were obviously influenced by apocryphal motifs. Like the bee, honey serves as a benchmark for sweetness and high quality. Such common figures of speech as “mush kad′ —  like a bee”, “chechy kad′ —  like honey” are used both in the literal and figurative meaning.


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