deas About the Otter in the Language and Folklore of the Altaians

Key words
Altai language, zoonym, semantics of zoonyms, otter, mammals, linguistic picture of the world, mythologization
Nadezhda R. Oinotkinova
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (38822) 2-68-15
26, Sotsialisticheskaya str., Gorno-Altaisk, 649000, Russian Federation
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Altai Philology and Oriental Studies, Gorno-Altaisk State University
Date of publication

The study was carried out under the Russian Science Foundation project No. 23–28–10028, “The Altaians’ Linguistic Picture of the World: Vocabulary of Gorny Altai Fauna.”


This article considers for the first time the cultural stereotypes of the Altaians about the otter (kamdu) in their linguistic picture of the world. It is based on published folklore texts as well as stories recorded during field research in the Altai Republic. The comparative method is employed together with semantic, contextual, and component analysis. The article presents etymological data about the word for otter that exists in Turkic studies and its dialect variants in the languages of Altai ethnic groups. The denotative signs of a zoonym, associated with its nominations by habitat, body structure and color, are most pronounced in folk songs, legends, and riddles. In Altaic language and folklore, contexts with metaphorical meanings are not found in the zoonym kamdu (otter), which is explained by the active process of mythologization of the animal. The sacralization and mythologization of the otter in the culture of the Altaians does not allow the use of the image of this animal as nomination of a person. The mythological contexts of the zoonym identified in the article indicate various sacred meanings that explain folk beliefs. In the past, otter fur was in high demand among the indigenous population of the Altai Mountains, since the fur of this animal was used for the trim of the national hat. When hunting this animal, certain rules of behavior were observed which are directly related to the beliefs of the Altaians, according to which the otter is a “dark” animal belonging to the lower world. Euphemistic names of the otter in language of the hunt arose based on metonymic and metaphorical transfers. In the linguistic culture of the Altaians, the otter is a dangerous animal that can bring trouble to a hunter’s family. In connection with this, certain ritual actions are performed, such as throwing the carcass or the remnants of the animal’s skin into the river and casting spells asking for forgiveness


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For citation

Oinotkinova N. R. Ideas About the Otter in the Language and Folklore of the Altaians. Traditional Culture. 2023. Vol. 24. No. 4. Pp. 91–98. In Russian.