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Key words
волшебная сказка, сюжетный тип, фольклор и литература, фольклоризм
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.:+7 (495) 624-25-53; +7 (903)126-54-83
8–3, Sverchkov side-str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Head of Sector of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Polenov State Russian House of Folk Arts
Date of publication

In world folklore, the plot type ATU “The Prince as Bird / Prince-Bird” 432 is represented in traditions of many peoples. The story is usually associated with the chivalry poetry of the Middle Ages. The plot is popular in European, American and Asian fairy − tale traditions, but the Russian version has a number of specific features. In addition to the variants of this plot type fixed in the index, the author of the article revealed a number of other texts of this plot type. In addition, texts erroneously assigned to plot type 432 were found and excepted. The Russian version of the plot “Finist the bright falcon” is popular in the oral and written tradition. This is a fully formed plot that has not undergone any transformation since 1795, when one of the versions of the tale was first published. While existing in purely oral tradition, the plot rarely connects with other plot types. Basically, such contamination is a manifestation of the individual skill of the storyteller or evidence of the destruction of tradition. The tale turned out to be attractive for the author’s literature; however, only Andrei Platonov retained the structure of the fabulous text. In his work, the writer was able to demonstrate the trends that occur with this folklore text in the 40s of the XX century. Other authors (Shestakov, Prokofiev, Tokmakova, Sherman, Rubanov) actively used the motifs inherent in this plot type, but did not save the fairy − tale story plot in their works. 


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For citation

Dobrovolskaya V.E. The Fairy Tale Finist the Bright Falcon (CIP 432) in the Russian folklore tradition and literature. Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 113−127 In Russian.