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Key words
folklorism, contemporary Russian literature, young writers, token folklore characters, new interpretative models
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8362) 68-80-02
1, Lenina sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Mari El Republic, Russian Federation
Grand PhD, professor, Mari State University

This article is prepared within the framework of the research project No. 34.7602.2017/8.9 according to the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.


The paper examines the ways and means that young Russian writers use to interpret folklore oral heritage. The research is focused on the phenomena of young people’s culture of the fi rst decades of the 21st century (verbal creative works of the young literary prize winners: Anton Botev, Leta Yugai, Darya Zarubina, Ksenia Buksha and some others). In the process of analyzing the material, the author adverts to the concept of “knotted string record” of folklorism developed by V. Golovin and O. Nikolaev.

The problem of the artistic method and the young authors’ self-attribution to a certain trend or style in general is among the main issues concerned with detection of the writers’ interaction with oral folk tradition in this article. A wide range of phenomena (avant-garde & post-avantgarde, modernism & postmodernism, realism, surrealism, impressionism, neo-sentimentalism, metarealism, socialist art, conceptualism etc.) co-exists in the context of contemporary literature, but it is postmodernism that prevails in the creative works of the youth in the fi rst decades of the 21st century. At that, the fullness of its manifestation varies from text to text. It can appear in forms of consistent manifestation of basic postmodern features, spontaneous carnival manifestation, intentional blending of genres, language-play or separate postmodern codes.

Young Russian authors orient themselves to Western genre patterns, but localize them to Russian background by means of certain methods, including the use of folklore models and traditional oral texts. The works by A. Botev, L. Yugai, K. Buksha and some other writers are of particular interest in this regard.

It is concluded that connections between young authors’ works and folklore samples are manifold and can manifest in various forms: construction of social and ethnographic reality and fi elds of characters’ identities, new “cosmos”, creating individual “universes” and worlds.


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