Личность и жизненный путь Э. В. Померанцевой

Key words
history of folklore studies of XX century, E. Pomerantseva, field research, fairy tale, mythological prose, folklore and literary relations, department, lecturer, pupil
Шестернина О. В.
About the Author
Шестернина Ольга Валентиновна — аспирант кафедры русской литературы и фольклора Московского городского педагогического университета, учитель средней школы № 2014 г. Москвы; e-mail: ola.orxidea@mail.ru

The paper presents little-known facts about the personality and life of E. Pomerantseva, an outstanding folklore expert, fairy tale researcher, field collector and lecturer taken from archival sources and personal interviews. She was U. Sokolov’s pupil who founded Russian folklore department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Questions of succession in science are also analysed.