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Key words
Lake Onego coast, genre of folklore, bylina, fairy-tale, performers, the Scientific archive of the KarRC, RAS
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (8142) 78-18-86
11, Pushkinskaya str., Petrozavodsk, 185910, Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), researcher, Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History, Karelian Research
Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

The paper deals with folk-tales and bylina epics recorded from the north-eastern coast of Lake Onego, so-called Zaonezh’e, during the 1930s — 1980s, which are stored in the Scientific archive of the Karelian Research Center (KarRC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Several performers of the oral folk poetry (e. g. P. G. Gorskov, V. V. Amosov, M. E. Samylin, P. I. Ryabinin-Andreev, E. B. Surikov) have possessed specimen of both genres in their reper- toires and many of them have been published on the pages of several anthologies. Performers regarded bylina epics and fairy-tales differently and gave preference either to one or to another genre. Possession of texts belonging to two genres mentioned left an imprint on the manner of performance, for this reason some carriers of the folklore tradition did not sing bylina epics, but told it. Simultaneous presence in the repertoire of bylina epics and fairy-tales texts promoted use of same plots, motifs and characters. Plot collision with wife’s infidelity, in which King Solomon is involved, appears both in specimen of bylina epics and in fairy-tales collected from Lake Onego coast. Also there at this territory Il’ya Muromets is the main hero in some bylina epics specimen and fairy-tales.


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