The Nganasans and Enets: An Essay Based on the Results of a Film Expedition

Key words
Taimyr, Yenisei, Nganasans, Enets, native language, folklore, myth, legend, ritual, traditional skills
Nikolai V. Pluzhnikov
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (495) 938-00-19
32a, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation
PhD in History, Junior Research Fellow, Department of the North and Siberia, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The article was prepared within the framework of the SSC RAS project No. 22–2–010603, “The Cultural and Ethnographic Film Expedition “Children of the Sun.”


This article is devoted to the ethnography, folklore, language, traditional worldview, and value system of two indigenous peoples of Taymyr — the Nganasans and Enets. The main source for the research is materials of the Taymyr expedition organized in 2022 by the television channel “Culture” for filming documentaries about these peoples for the series “Land of People”. During the expedition, interviews were conducted with local residents of different generations who consider themselves Nganasans or Enets in the villages of Ust-Avame and Potapovo, as well as in Dudinka. Various fragments of ethnic practices in modern interiors and landscapes were recorded. The article features the author’s observations and conclusions based the information obtained during the expedition, his own field data, previous research, and introduces a significant amount of new ethnographic material.


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For citation

Pluzhnikov N. V. The Nganasans and Enets: An Essay Based on the Results of a Film Expedition. Traditional Culture. 2023. Vol. 24. No. 4. Pp. 137–152. In Russian.