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Key words
Bible verses, Old Believers, oral existence, manuscript songster books, poetics
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (495) 690-35-85
1–1, B. Kislovski side-str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
Grand PhD (Philology), chief research fellow, Sector of the Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences

This paper deals with the problem of interaction between oral and written forms of traditional existence of the Old Bible verse among the Old Believers. The genre of the Bible verse (“Dukhovny stikh” in Russian) is defi ned as a stock of poetic texts, united with folk Orthodox value system. The center of the system is constituted by the concept of Salvation, which arranges the concept sphere of the folk Orthodox Faith. The oral form determines phonic reproduction of texts, which carries an esthetic component, informational and ethical-religious meanings and their transmission over generations; the written form (manuscript songster books) introduce additional conservation, another type of maintenance, additions to verbal and musical texts (“hooks” of nonlinear notations) and a possibility to present value hierarchy in diverse local cultures of Old Believers.


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