Похоронно-поминальная обрядность самарских армян

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Key words
Samara’s Armenian community, funeral tradition, burial, mourning, funeral feast, “terter” (priest)
Агаджанян Л. А.
About the Author
Агаджанян Лиана Алексеевна — аспирант кафедры истории и теории мировой культуры Поволжской государственной социально-гуманитарной академии (г. Самара); e—mail: Lidiana06@mail.ru

This article deals with funeral and memorial traditions of two local ethnic groups of Armenian ethnicity: the Armenian native of Armenia and the Armenian from Baku, who live in Samara. It describes the archaic factors the culture of Armenians, that exist both in Armenia and in Samara. The author focuses on innovations in funeral and commemorative traditions of Samara’s Armenian ethnos.