The Polymorphism of Comic Songs (Based on Kuban Folklore and Ethnographic Expeditions to the Temryuk District of Krasnodar Territory)

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Key words
comic songs, polymorphism, Temryuk District of the Krasnodar Territory, vernacular genres
Alla N. Sokolova
About the Author 0000-0002-7992-3902
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8772) 59-38-20
208, Pervomaiskaya str., Maikop, Republic of Adygeya, 385000, Russian Federation
DSc in Arts, Professor, Institute of Arts, Adygeya State University
Date of publication

This article raises the issue of the validity of the concept of “comic songs” as an independent musical genre. The concept of the “polymorphism of comic songs” is put forward, suggesting the multiplicity of their types. The most general feature of their content remains humor, but these songs differ in function, place, timing or ease of execution, association with a particular rite, etc. Their aim may be entertainment or ridicule, education and instruction, confession of love or sacred action, accompanied by irony or sarcasm —  all kinds of variously intoned humor.

The polymorphism of comic songs is manifested in their pitch, harmony, and composition. The general features of comic songs of the Temryuk District include two-voice singing with an initial solo and a predominance of parallel tonality; a conclusion in unison, preceded by the upper voice’s ascent by a fourth, fifth or even seventh. 


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For citation

Sokolova A. N. The Polymorphism of Comic Songs (Based on Kuban Folklore and Ethnographic Expeditions to the Temryuk District of Krasnodar Territory). Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 1. Pp. 52–62. In Russian.