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Key words
wedding lamentation, pragmatic prescription, function, semantic, contexts, ethnographic situation
Tat’yana Kaluzhnikova
About the Author
Tat’yana Kaluzhnikova
Tel.: + 7 (343) 371-21-80
26, Lenin av., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation
Full Professor (Arts), professor of music history department, Uralic State Conservatoire named
after M. P. Musorgskiy

 This article reveals several aspects of wedding lamentation pragmatics in the Middle Urals. Pragmatic strategies deal with reproduction of the course of events, that is prescribed by tradition in order to achieve desired results, and with dominant functions of this genre, namely marking initial stages of transitions by the bride and signifying her symbolic death from previous position and status and with human activity in lament.

Reproduction, interpretation and perception of laments are carried out via subject activity of female rite participants (girls and women perform group lamentations, whereas the bride, her mother and a hired lamenter perform individual lamentations. Correlation between functions and semantics of musical-poetic texts is manifested via poetic images of destruction, emphasized with slow ascetic swirl tunes of group lamentations or expressive solo lamentations rising to speech crying. Pragmatics deals with several contexts as well. Mental context manifests semantic relationship between lamentations including key concepts of the traditional world view opposite to individual focalization by subjects of utterance. Social context emphasizes age, gender and social roles of participants of wedding ritual. Communicative context characterizes participants of the ritual contact, chosen model of communication model and type of performers intercourse. Ethnographical situations of functioning emphasizes coordination of laments with certain semantic codes and phases (episodes) of the traditional ritual. The author’s supervisions over the material of wedding lamentation can be used for the study of pragmatics of different genres of ceremonial vocal folklore.


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