Russian Cemeteries in the Ergun City District (China): At the Intersection of Traditions

Key words
Chinese Russians, funeral and memorial complex, Ergun city district, Trekhrechye, Eastern Transbaikal
Vladimir L. Klyaus
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (495) 690-50-30
25a, Povarskaya str., Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Chair, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences; Deputy for the Academician-Secretary of DHPS of RAS for scientific and organizational work; Head of the Folklore Division, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The article was prepared within the framework of the project “The Role of the Ethnic Factor in Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation and the Socio-Economic Development of the Border Territories of Siberia and the Far East” (part of the program for fundamental and applied scientific research “Ethnocultural Diversity of Russian Society and the Strengthening of All-Russian Identity,” 2020–2022).


This article is devoted to the funeral and memorial traditions of Chinese Russians of the Ergun city district of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China. The author makes use of field materials collected in expeditions of 2007–2019 and the research of Chinese scientists. For the first time he attempts to give a scholarly description of the funeral and memorial complex of Chinese Russians in this region. Russian Russians have noted a number of archaic elements, some of which have already disappeared among the Russian old-timers of the Eastern Transbaikal, from where the Russian ancestors of modern Chinese Russians came to China. The article’s main focus is on the transformation of the Russian tradition of funerals and commemorations that in recent decades has been taking place under the influence of the Chinese environment and Chinese culture.


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For citation

Klyaus V. L. Russian Cemeteries in the Ergun City District (China): At the Intersection of Traditions. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 80–95. In Russian.