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Key words
funeral and commemorative obit rites, infanticide, rumors, mythological narrative
About the Author
E-mail: petel@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (342) 239-63-74
15, Bukireva str., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), associate professor of the Department of Russian Literature, Perm State University

This paper is fi nancially supported by grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of Perm Region, project No. 17–14–59009 “Folklore oral stories of Northern Kama the river’s basin: universal, regional, local (based on the texts of the second half of the 20th —  the early 21st century)”.


This article deals with a certain type of funeral and commemorative obit rites, which are connected with burial of children outside the functioning common cemeteries, in special loci. These places are: backyards, river bank, roadsides, cellars in peasant’s houses. Data is registered by the author and her colleagues during their fi eldwork trips during the 2010s on the territory of intensive inter-ethnic contacts. Our informants are Komi-Permyak and the Russian people living in Komi-Permyak Circuit of Perm Region. All cases refer to Soviet times, to the 1950s —  the 1960s. Variety of cases is divided into two groups —  depending on either open, public or closed, secret character of the burial and on the attitude of the local society. In the fi rst case, burials are made into special children’s cemeteries, near gardens, within settlements; all villagers know about this locus, they recognize the practice as permissible and organize commemorative obit rites on this graves. The second group includes burials of newborns at the roadside and under the fl oor in the houses; there are no witnesses of the burial, and therefore such cases may raise suspicion of an infanticide. The author considers fi eld recordings not only as a source of ethnographic information, but also as a texts with marking linguistic features. Narratives about the burial of newborn children under the fl oor are shift ing into the rumor area. Such texts have grammatical signs of the so-called “problematic veracity”. Such stories are based on folkloric models, they are realized as criminal or / and mythological narratives. Th e main heroines of these stories are women who have the stigma of social marginalization. 


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