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Key words
Western Siberia, Omsk region, Okunevo, ecovillages, global information space
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3812) 37-17-49
15, Marx av., Omsk, 644024, Russian Federation
PhD (History), senior researcher, Omsk laboratory, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
55a, Mira av., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
Associated professor, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3812) 67-17-42
28, Andrianova str., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
PhD (History), director of Siberian division, Likhachev Institute of Heritage
55a, Mira av., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
Associated professor, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

This research is supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 17–01–00423 “New ecological movements in Russia in the social environment: interaction with political, educational, informational institutions”.


A new mythology forming in the postmodern and postindustrial era is analyzed in the paper. Source database consists of fi eld materials, collected during the ethnographic research of the new sacral center formed around Okunevo village, as well as ideological (religious)-oriented ecovillages, widely spread on the territory of Omsk region. Th e materials belong to the 21st century. Mythological motifs whimsically interpreting the course of history, including signifi cant archaeological sites; motives of the power and the national leader (President) sacralization; interpretation in the folk consciousness of the actual scientifi c process, in particular the media refl ection on genetic geography, haplogroups and other “fashionable” scientifi c disciplines are in the focus of attention.

The concept of the chronotope of new sacred spaces is considered. Archeological objects are exposed to the sacralization and mythologization form its basis oft en. At the same time, the new occult-mystical mythology associated with archaeological monuments is only a modernization of very archaic traditional ideas and archetypes. A popular etiological myth about an ancient great city on the site of the current city of Omsk is analyzed. Psychological frustration on the reason of the loss by Russian regions former economic and cultural signifi cance, the centralization and concentration all cultural and economic resources almost only in the capitals of Russia it is the social basis of such motifs.

The conclusion is made that modern technology and networked culture create new possibilities circulation of information fl ows. Forming inside the mass consciousness neo-mythological interpretations are popularized, creatively processed and enriched in the media space, and then return to the masses in a modernized form.


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