Russian Folklore Lexicography at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century

Key words
folklore language, linguo-folkloristics, folklore lexicography, dictionary, lexicographic complex
Maria A. Bobunova
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (4712) 51-38-94
33, Radishcheva str., Kursk, 305000, Russian Federation
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Russian Language Department, Kursk State University
Date of publication

The article is dedicated to folklore lexicography, which studies the theory and practice of creating dictionaries of the language of folklore. It provides a brief description of the initial stage of creating a lexicographic system and reviews dictionaries of folklore language that have appeared over the past twenty years, revealing different aspects of lexicographic work. Particular attention is paid to linguo-culturological dictionaries that combine linguistic and cultural material. Such dictionaries have been compiled in different regions of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Pskov, Tula) based on Russian folk tales, which is the perfect material for identifying and analyzing national cultural concepts. Types of lexicographic dictionary include those based on minor folklore genres (from Moscow and Vologda); a dictionary of proper names; a dictionary of verbal images and symbols; a dictionary of traditional poetic formulas; and a dictionary of dialect words and folklorisms. A new direction in lexicographic work is also noted — the creation of electronic lexicographic databases (in Kazan and Kursk). The complex created by linguo-folklorists from Kursk is based on non-ritual lyrical songs, bylinas, and on local fairy tales. In conclusion the article discusses the role of folklore dictionaries in education and research.


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For citation

Bobunova M. A. Russian Folklore Lexicography at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. Traditional Culture. 2023. Vol. 24. No. 3. Pp. 170–176. In Russian.